DRIVE Task Force

Commission Details

Board Website 
Board Website
Long Name 
Task Force to Develop a Representative and Inclusive Vision for Education
Governor's Office
Governor Appointments 
Total Board Positions 
Cite Name 
Executive Order
Cite Number 
No. 113
Term Length 
The Task Force is charged with advising the Office of the Governor on strategies that would address matters of equity and inclusion within education. Prepare and submit a report to the Office of the Governor no later than January 1, 2021.

Current Members

Member Name 
Appointment Date 
Term End Date 
Term Type 
Aliyah Abdur-Rahman 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governorparents or guardians of North Carolina elementary, middle, or high school aged students
Anita W. Alpenfels 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governoreducators, principals, superintendents, or other school or school district administration staff
Alexandra-Emmanuelle Zagbayou 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governornonprofit education advocacy organizations rep.
Deanna Townsend-Smith 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorAt-Large
Lorena R. Gonzalez 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorNC Health and Human Services rep.
Van O'Dell Dempsey III 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorUNC System Rep.
Leroy L. Wray, Jr. 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorUNC System Rep./At-Large
Lisa Mabe Eads 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorNC Community College System rep.
Creighton P. Blackwell 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorEmployers with a presence in NC
Sabrina Marie Peacock 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governoreducators, principals, superintendents, or other school or school district administration staff/At-Large
Guy Ymir Hill 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governoreducators, principals, superintendents, or other school or school district administration staff/At-Large
Valerie Bridges 5/3/2022 Pleasure of The Governoreducators, principals, superintendents, or other school or school district administration staff/At-Large
Yolanda Adams 5/3/2022 Pleasure of The Governoreducators, principals, superintendents, or other school or school district administration staff/At-Large
Alfred M. Mays 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorAt-Large
Ashley Mone' Kazouh 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governornonprofit education advocacy organizations rep./At-Large
Leah Sutton 5/3/2022 Pleasure of The Governornonprofit education advocacy organizations rep./At-Large
Monique Perry-Graves 5/3/2022 Pleasure of The Governornonprofit education advocacy organizations rep./At-Large
James D. Gailliard 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governorreps from within state and local government
Zack Anthony-Forde Hawkins 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governorreps from within state and local government
Todd Johnson 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The Governorreps from within state and local government
J. Wendell Hall 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorAt-Large
Kimberly Anne Evans 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorNC DPI rep./At-Large
Rebecca Anne Planchard 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorNC Health and Human Services rep./At-Large
Anthony Graham 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorUNC System Rep./At-Large
Carlos Ramirez 5/3/2022 Pleasure of The GovernorUNC System Rep./At-Large
N. King Prather 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorAt-Large
Cherrel Miller Dyce 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorAt-Large
Leslie Anne Locklear 5/7/2020 Pleasure of The GovernorAt-Large

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